John Ritchie aka John Beverley aka Sid Vicious, all of the photos are from his family album. Those bohemian bowie-teens of the mid 70's were awesome as hell.I got tagged by the awesome Claire at
LUCY IN THE SKY. . All I can say is thanks thanks thanks, girl!

"This award requires the blogger to list 7 interesting thing about herself and then pass the award to 7 other 'kreativ bloggers'. "
1. I kinda hate U2.
2. I'm a vegetarian.
3. Atm I have a blue mohawk.
4. I love sewing and knitting, and all kinds diy.
5. Two guys I'm completely obsessed with: David Bowie & Boy George.
6. I "speak" five different languages.
7. Ever since I was a little kid, red foxes have been my favourite animals.
I'll pass the tag later on. Have to think 'bout it.