Sunday, November 8, 2009

"We're all just lonely people, Only dyin' to fall in love, Feelings that we thought, Dreams we never caught, Just a day late or a dollar short"

top -> bottom: What's Eating Gilbert Grape?, Control, Agyness Deyn, Andreas Baader & Gudrum Ensslin, James Dean & Pier Angeli, The Rocky Horror Picture Show fans at a theme party, Johnny Depp as Ed Wood, Mick Jagger & Divine (:D), Sophia Loren & Jayne Mansfield, 60s couple at a party, Debbie Harry.

Look at Sophia Loren's face. And then look at Mick Jagger's face. Then look at them again. Priceless!


  1. That Sofia & Janye one is one of my favorites ever! I always laugh--every time!

  2. LOL!!! Divine was...well Divine!

    i love jim dean=)

    Great post AGAIN!!
